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Meet Rebecca K. Sampson

HI! I'm Rebecca K. Sampson. I'm a multipassionate woman that doesn't let self-doubt get in the way of trying something new. It started with a dream to write a book and became so much more. Now, I reach an audience of thousands of women that aspire to live life on their terms.


In these 30+ years, I feel like I've lived through a lifetime of change and pivots. At one point in my life, I was blogging daily (on a website no longer live) with beauty reviews, makeup tutorials, and working with brands like Physician's Formula and Disney. (PS I've since returned to blogging and I couldn't be more excited!)


That creative blogger beginning helped me get my first few jobs out of college, working for start-ups and an agency in organic social media before spending half a decade at a Fortune 150 company. Now, I'm a Paid Social Director, as well as my work here as an author, blogger, and lifestyle influencer. Every year, my life gets bigger and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My first novel, Ember Dragon Daughter, is available now on Amazon and Audible. It was just the beginning of something new for me. It has since been republished under the name R. K. Sampson. I am also writing paranormal romance books under the name Rachel H. Drake.

My novels focus on themes like insurmountable change, responsibility, challenging your life and those around you, and more. Through strong female characters, inclusive characters, and fantastical worlds, I hope to make a difference and help readers take charge of their lives. 

My first nonfiction book, Stronger Now, is inspired by my life experiences, but especially what I learned in 2017 and 2018 as my husband went through cancer while we struggled to raise a toddler.

Find more of my books here.

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